July 20, 2021
Despite it being prime mid-summer, our season is ramping down. Swiss Captain Joerg couldn’t get an extended visa this year. Phil vonVoigtlander who has handled transport logistics for 15+ years tendered his well-deserved retirement last year. We’ve having boaters volunteer to help us out (THANK YOU!) Still, it is a huge job to do logistics for this organization. Coordinating people, projects, transport, weather, it’s a complicated undertaking. For me personally, it’s week 6 of 8 getting teams to and from the island. The final trip of the season August 8 through 14 is fortunately someone else’s. We used to start in May, often went into September. But, not this year…we just don’t have the bandwidth. So many great people want to go out. So many projects left to do. If someone out there has a passion for logistics, please contact us. You can make a difference!