July 3 – Lantern room work continues

Volunteer Barb Falkenhagen provides an excellent log on her Facebook page. Here are some selections from her July 3 entry:

“It rained heavy during the night and I kept hearing one of the shutters on the lighthouse tower banging, so I finally got up and latched it shut. Tom also latched a shutter on one of the windows in his room.”

“This morning we worked in the tower again fitting new screws, and placing the painted glass stops to the corresponding astragal. We learned that the parts painted yesterday were also marked for placement with little punch marks. After all the proper placements were made we removed them so we could paint. We are letting the paint dry the rest of today and will set the panes of plexiglass and caulk tomorrow.”

Note the four small punch marks in Barb’s photo

Painting the lantern room. Barb Falkenhagen photo.