Reflections on 20 years
This fall marks the completion of FILA’s first twenty years. As the expression goes, “we’ve come a long way baby.”
The boathouse was a major early focus.
The 1867 Lighthouse has been our restoration showcase.
Securing buildings has been a key objective. Windows on the skeletal tower, roofs on the workshop and fog signal.
There’s, of course, much more that’s documented in the Restoration pages.
Many “off island” projects have helped make our limited island time more efficient. Here’s just a small sample of some of the projects.
Boaters like Joerg, Phil & Don invested significant time and money transporting volunteers using their personal boats. Other boaters have helped us out at times. While we now contract with Bear, it’s still a significant effort to coordinate trips.
There are so many others who’ve invested to help this project: Board members, presenters, writers, those who have helped with education, research, exhibits, logistics, grant writing, donors. We have indeed been fortunate.
What will the next 20 years bring? Please join us in being part of it.