News from South Fox

Dusty Klifman/Blueyes Below June 2020 (used with permission)

Season Wrap

The buildings are now closed up for the season. Grounds remain…

Call for Volunteer Proposals for 2023 Season

From Linda Possler: "As FILA Secretary, the Executive Committee…

Fox Island Book now available for purchase online

A supply of this out-of-print book by Kathy Firestone is now…

Keepers Eric & Lorinda Maki featured in “The Citizen”

Eric and Lorinda Maki were our second team of "keepers" back…

Website updates

There's a lot of progress being made as you can see from our…

National Register Dedication

Join us as we celebrate the South Fox Light Station's designation…

Joerg Featured

This quarter's Leelanau Enterprise "Silver" Publication features…

Save the date – July 14 Peterson Park Northport

Please join us the evening of July 14 for a celebration of our…

Leelanau Enterprise covers us again

Vice President Cathy Allchin and board member Phil von Voigtlander…