The Station

The South Fox Light Station is located 22 miles offshore in NW Lake Michigan, south of Beaver Island and north of the Manitous. The 115 acres state-owned property has seven original structures still standing and acres of pristine dune and wildlife; it is one of the most complete stations on Lake Michigan. The original tower was lit in 1867; the fog signal and oil house were built in 1895. The Workshop and Boat House were built in 1897. In 1934, the 104’ steel skeletal tower was brought from Sapelo Island, GA and reassembled on the island.  The two-story Assistant Keepers Quarters was added in 1910. The station was automated in 1958, then decommissioned in 1969.

In 1971, the State of Michigan bought the station from the Department of the Interior with a promise to provide recreational opportunity and access to the public.

The station was listed on the National Register of Historic Places August 26, 2021. Highlights from the submission can be viewed here.

Special thanks to those who help make preservation possible.

You can click on the map or use the links below to explore the South Fox Island Light Station.