July 23, 2021
The collaboration that occurs in this project is stunning.
Understand, these are two people who have never met. Kathy is from Texas, has been out on the island 3 weeks today. Charlie is a relatively new volunteer who is coming out for his first visit. We introduced them via email a few days ago. Charlie recently retired as a civil engineering professor for Northern Arizona University if I recall properly.
“Charlie, We’re looking forward to showing you the current status of our water system.
We are really trying to make the lake pump easier to operate so it can be a help to each of the teams, and not a nerdy hobby.
Would you consider grabbing a foot valve for our suction line to bring out on Sunday? The line is a nice, standard 1″ with internal wire reinforcement. The suction screen has a hose barb and a hose clamp.
Thanks. Looking forward to comparing notes on remote water supply practices.
See you Sunday.
It would have taken a lot of coaching for me to buy the right thing. Charlie writes back with a couple images of apparently appropriate gadgets and shot me an email just now that he has what Kathy needs and will bring it out.
This kind of thing occurs over and over in this project. What is it John McKinney and Sandy Bradshaw Rothenberger often say? “The right person comes through at the right time.” Righto!