July 10 – Progress and weather

Another log from Keeper Barb

“Temp at 7:30am 64 degrees

Wind SSW about 15 mph
Humidity “up there”

The flag was “just a flying” most of the night. We had a couple of shutter dogs on the lighthouse that were loose and several shutters banged most of the night. Those were adjusted later today as we are expecting winds up to 40 mph tonight.

Currently, 7:30pm. Winds are about 23mph out of the SSW. Temp is 72 degrees and it is comfortable.

This morning we finished pulling panels in the lantern room. This afternoon we lowered them down from the lantern room. The sun had come out at lunchtime and it was brutally hot up there this afternoon. Slow and steady wins the race.

Tom finished the summer kitchen back deck. He started setting the foundation with crushed zebra muscles and flat rocks.

Dinner tonight was Venison steaks, fingerling potatoes and pickled veggies with taffy cracks for desert.

The waves are so big today we had to pull the pump we use to draw water way back off the shoreline. This morning we started with a few waves rolling in. Tonight we have 3-4 footers. They look and sound great.

Everyone is tired after a very labor intensive day. Hopefully we all can be rocked to sleep by the sound of the waves crashing on the beach.”