July 20 – Tower doors installed

There are several openings built into the 1867 tower stairway. Two were clearly built to access the weights used by the clockwork that rotated the lens. One contained a cabinet whose use is unknown. Its door has long been missing. Skilled carpenter Doug Noren rebuilt it this past winter. It is curved tongue and groove with a kerf next to each seam. This past week’s team installed it.

A “before” image is shown below. While details like this aren’t critical path, they need to be addressed eventually. We pick off such things situationally as we have volunteers available with interest and skills.

Jim (shown below) & Ben also reinstalled one of the smaller original doors that had brought back as a construction sample. It was stripped, primed & painted by volunteers John & Karen while it was ashore.

The frames will need work by a future team.

Many people come together to get these projects done.