Volunteer Lightkeepers Featured in The Monroe News

Our first all-woman volunteer lightkeeper team made the news!

Karen Schenavar of Monroe and Sandra White of South Rockwood are long-time friends and frequent travel partners.

But their adventure in August at South Fox Island Light Station in Leelanau County was more adventuresome than usual, even for those two. South Fox Island is in Lake Michigan about 22 miles offshore; north of the Manitou islands and south of Beaver Island.

…During their stay from Aug. 20-27, this group of volunteers worked on maintenance such as painting the tower and painting the barn. Catherine Allchin, vice president of the Fox Island Lighthouse Association, led the tasks.

White said she enjoyed her landscaping assignment; which included several trips to the lakeshore looking for Milwaukee bricks that washed up that could be used on the grounds. Those bricks were part of a supply shipment to construct the lighthouse; and still can be found intact.

White also discovered a rock bed that no one had previously noticed, the association members will be following up on that site for research.

Read more in the Monroe Daily News and get information about volunteering for FILA.